Bear (1970) is an overall visionary and manifestor in multiple fields of the Wholeness of Life. Part of his broad practical skills is the talent of organizing and languages, being native in German and Italian, fluent in English, speaking some Dutch and Spanish. He is a very positive minded personality, with an eye for the beauty of all things, able to emphasise and negotiate between and for parties with diplomacy and savoir-faire, a great motivator and mentor of people in all stages of life.
With 17 he became member of the “Self-Realization Fellowship of Paramhansa Yogananda” and was initiated in the Kriya Yoga.
At the age of 19 he found his first company in event-management & tourism, which grew into branches in six European countries with a few dozens of employees, and that he ran for nearly 25 years. He later founded the health food supplement brands "Bearmedicine", "The King of Herbs" and "Chaga-Shop".
As a sailor from childhood and seafarer by DNA, he spent seven years at sea sailing most parts of the globe. Bear is founder of "WORLDSAILING" a sailing service agency, and "The ARQ" Ocean project.
He has been living with Shamans of various cultures, mystics of the Mayan, Maori, Siberian and Mongolian traditions. Stayed long periods with the Blackfeet Indians in Montana/USA for further spiritual growth & wisdom exchange. Bear travelled to over 100 countries, mostly in service and for his spiritual development.
Today, Bear the Mystic, as the initiator and one of the mentors of THE ONE MIND Sanctuary, shares his knowing and wisdom, teaches spirituality and answers questions of life.
Bear is a bridge of ancient wisdom and the current emerging super-consciousness souls, being provided with and initiated in both the "languages”.
He mentors the new generation of fully awaken, enlightened children and youngster to infuse their super-consciousness upon all sentient beings and life on earth with ease, by initiating them into ancient earth wisdom and prophecies. He safeguards by navigating and guiding them through the obstacles of the world.
Bear in his Dharma works as an Atonement Master and Wisdom-Mentor. He still travels a lot as Shaman and teacher, assisting people on their spiritual path, and overcoming their suffering.
For over 35 years, EnRico has lectured and advocated worldwide for Mind-Body and Integrative Medicine, for Integral Awareness Mastery (I-AM TM), and Awareness Systems Providing Energetic Core Transformation (ASPECT TM ). EnRico was a National Merit/California Physicians Scholar at Harvard University, receiving his A.B. in Public Health, in 1977.
He completed his Masters in Public Health (M.P.H.) degree at the University of California at Berkeley in 1981. His Medical education was at the University of California at Irvine, and at Stanford University, with his M.D. from UCI in 1982. His Post-Doctoral training includes: Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center of Cornell Univ.; Montefiore/ Albert Einstein Medical Centers; The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, The Health Care Financing Admin; and The Univ. of Iowa College of Medicine.
Dr. Melson has held multiple Allopathic credentials, including: General Preventive Medicine and Public Health; Occupational/ Environmental Medicine; Family Medicine; Pain Management; Disability Evaluation; Medical Administration; and Epidemiology and Health Services Research. He also holds such other Complementary and Integrative Medicine (CIM) credentials as: Doctor of Natural Medicine (Honorary); Diplomate in Integrative Holistic Medicine; Fellow in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine; Medical HypnoTherapist; Trainer in Neuro-Linguistic Programming; Ayurveda Practitioner; Master Bio-Energetics Practitioner; Dynamic Integral Medica; and Trainer in numerous Mind/ Body Integration practices. He has directed multiple programs and clinics in Family Medicine, Ayurvedic, Mind-Body, Spa, Primary Care, MedEvac, Urgent Care, Occupational, Environmental, Integrative, and Addiction Medicine. EnRico is the Developer of the HoloLinguistic Awareness (HLA) Methodology, as well as the Integral Awareness Medicine (I- AM TM ) and Syntelligence Systems. His studies of Ancient Systems include Ayurvedic Medicine, Hawaiian Huna, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Shamanic pursuits.
His Excellency, Raja Muda, Kaitiaki, Sir, Ser, Dr. ENRICO A. MELSON, MD, DASH, DNM(H), MPH, FACPM, DAAPM, ABIHM, CHCQM, MHT, MHLA, MBEP, (DIM), KCSJ, KCLJ, MSE, GCSE, GCCCR, GCDR – currently lives in California, USA, while frequently traveling domestically and abroad, in Service, as Teacher and Healer.
Other noteworthy SPIRITUAL HONOURS for which He has been acknowledged include:
Additionally, EnRico has been acknowledged in numerous Prophesies in multiple Cultures around the world, including Mayan, Maori, Roman Catholic, Tibetan, and Filipino.
Servant-Rico teaches frequently to hundreds of students worldwide, in advanced Meditation, Stillness, Consciousness, Enlightenment Principles, and Spiritual and Energetic Healing Practices. Today, much of his work also entails serving as Spiritual Guide/ Mentor to a growing cadre of world-class Scientists, to assist in the evolution of Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Computing, Quantum Biology, and the overall interfacing of leading-edge Science, Spirituality, Consciousness – and Selfless Service.
EnRico has three Children: Che’, Nolan, and Krystyanna. He considers each of Them true young Masters – and much more advanced than He.
Malika Avani is a High Priestess of Earth whose innate shamanic gifts, love and devotion has continued to midwife hive full of Creatives and intuitives of new Earth consciousness. She elevates the visions and frequency of Women Leaders of our time through drum mentorship and life-changing experiences with sacred medicines on Sacred Sites. Her 13 years Initiation journey as a pilgrim and medicine woman has brought her to over 30 countries.
She is currently based in Singapore where she runs workshops and ceremonies to support woman to re-connect to their feminine sensual rhythms.
Haske Yilnayah, "The Bear in movement" is a Guardian of ancestral traditions and medicine man. He's a descendant of Mechika and Din'e (Navajo) lineage.
Founder and representative of the ancestral tradition group “NAHUALCOYOTL TOLLOCAN”.
This group was created with the firm intention of rescuing, dignifying and currently sharing the great Toltec ancestral knowledge that still persists as an original nation, involving new generations in the “Art of Good Living” Toltequity, forming conscious faces and hearts and in balance with Mother Earth and the Cosmos.
He is the founder and representative of the “TEOCALLI” healing house.
This sacred space was opened to bring ancestral medicine closer to humanity, promoting tools and forms of healing, expansion of consciousness and training as universal beings.
Workshop leader, lecturer, teacher and practitioner of Toltequi-dad ancestral knowledge.
Member of the Inter-American Council of Native and Migrant Peoples.
Founder and leader of the annual meeting of indigenous nations
A meeting that has been held by bringing together indigenous nations at an international level, with the objective of forming a world council of guardians, grandfathers and grandmothers, medicine men and women, reaching agreements and treaties that strengthen the life and sustainability of the indigenous nations around the world.
Collaborator with different educational and government institutions on an altruistic basis.
Haske Yilnayah (Oso en movimiento).
Guardián de tradición ancestral y hombre medicina.
Descendiente de linaje Mechika y Din´e (navajo)
Fundador y representante del grupo de tradición ancestral
Este grupo fue creado, con la firme intención de rescatar, dignificar y compartir actualmente el gran conocimiento ancestral tolteca que aún persiste como nación originaria, haciendo participes a las nuevas generaciones del “Arte de buen vivir” Toltequidad, formando rostros y corazones consientes y en equilibrio con la ma-dre tierra y el cosmos.
Fundador y representante de la casa de sanación “TEOCALLI”
Este espacio sagrado fue abierto para acercar a la humanidad la medicina ancestral, promocionando las herramientas y formas de sanación, expansión de la conciencia y la formación como seres universales.
Tallerista, conferencista, maestro y practicante del conocimiento ancestral toltequi-dad.
Miembro del consejo inter americano de pueblos originarios y migrantes.
Fundador y dirigente del encuentro anual de naciones originarias “POR EL RETORNO A LO SAGRADO Y PAZ ENTRE LAS NACIONES”.
Encuentro que se ha realizado reuniendo a las naciones originarias a nivel internacional, teniendo como objetivo la formación de un consejo mundial de guardianes y guardianas, abuelos y abuelas, hombres y mujeres medicina, llegando a acuerdos y tratados que fortalecen la vida y sustentabilidad de las naciones originarias de todo el mundo.
Colaborador con diferentes instituciones educativas y gubernamentales de forma altruista.
Loïc Vuillemin, soul adventurer from early childhood, became the monk Kosho in 1997 at age 20. Since that day, zen practice and bodymind study became his main if not only focus. Serious and integer disciple, Kosho dedicated first to academic studies of science in Geneva before to pursue his education with zen master Kosen Roshi. Together with the community, they founded Yujo Nyusanji Zen Temple in the south of France, back in 2008. Kosho, married to Hira Hosen and father of an incredible daughter, stayed in charge of the temple until 2017.
Loïc is attracted by spirituality, chamanism and tribal rituals since early teenage and certainly did not miss his load of initiatic adventures while becoming an adult. Travels to the Himalayas in Nepal and to the deserts and sierras of Mexico, lonely retreats in the mountains of Switzerland and the discovery of dream practices maybe made of Loïc this very unusual monk he is today.
Interested by siddhis and magic stories, Loïc as given lots of efforts into acquiring certain abilities through ancient practices such as kechari mudra and astral projection. Reader of tarot and able of chanelling providence, Loïc is definitly drawn to the arts of the subtle and to what stays invisible to mondane eyes.
At his young age, Loïc got introduced to master Kosen, holder of the transmission of Niwa Zenji and successor of Taisen Deshimaru Roshi. Their friendship and affection for each other grew fast and Loïc decided to receive the ordination. After his academic studies in Geneva, Kosen agreed to take him as secretary and prime disciple. They founded together, with the help of the community, the Yujo Nyusanji Zen Temple in South of France. Kosho received the Dharma transmission in november 2013 from master Kosen and became this way the 84th patriarch of transmitted buddhism.
Visit Zen Deshimaru - Kosen Sangha website:
Before to be pushed by his master to pursue Biology faculty, Loïc had studied a year at Medicine Academy and a year at Ethnobotanical Institute of Neuchâtel. Adapting fast to new technologies, he decides to do his master degree in plant biotechnology at the Laboratory of Plant Biochemistry of the University of Geneva. Appointed assistant and then FNRSS researcher, he started a phD about peroxydase biooengineering and designed practical courses for students about plant movements and bio informatics.
Loïc is really gifted at speaking in public. At ease with powerpoint slide shows and multimedia devices, his public talks are really alive and a very appreciated moment for all listeners and participants. If some jokes, crispy anecdotes and good laughs are often part of the show, he keep track of his subject for the complete appreciation of the audience.
It is only in 2018, after participating to the "Authentic Big Blue" as underwater videographer, that Loïc decided to try himself at freediving competitions. Even if the first attempts were modest, he was very keen to perform at his best. When the new category of bifins (CWTB) was added in the rules, he then saw the opportunity of scoring his very first national record for Switzerland with a dive at 62m deep. Since then, taken into the flow of international competitions and with the strong wish to represent his spiritual beliefs, Loïc managed to become a recognised athlete, holder of many national records for Switzerland with dives over 100m and as a very serious overall freediver.
Jana's awakening was triggered at a tender age of six after a near-death experience. That event has ignited her full sensory abilities, revealing her soul's memories and information regarding her soul contract, while strengthening connections with her angelic guides and other ethereal realms. At fifteen, Jana departed Slovakia to pursue higher education in the United States, where she remained for the next seventeen years.
In 2008, she was guided to exit the matrix and to relocate to Las Vegas from Seattle, where she was to immerse herself in a profound spiritual evolution and personal development, strengthening the connection with her Higher Self and her multidimensional aspects, to fully align with her soul’s mission to serve as a Galactic Ambassador. Within three years of rapid spiritual advancement, she started to receive a daily contact from Light Beigns and Star Councils from higher planetary systems and galaxies. Since that day they have been guiding her, teaching her, and imparting important information and teachings regarding her mission and planetary evolution. Part of her mission is to bring in advanced Arcturian and Andromedan healing technologies that aid others in awakening, healing, accelerating their ascension process, empowering themselves, and unlocking their full potential.
Jana's personal journey combined with her cosmic travels and a passion for higher knowledge, healing arts, and explorations of higher worlds of Light has led her to become a beacon of light, illuminating the path for other starseeds. For over a decade and a half, she's been assisting them through energy healing classes, intergalactic healing and activation sessions, cosmic sound healing events, guided meditations, and star language transmissions. It is her biggest joy to be in service to others, who are ready to shine their light, live their authenticity, and walk their Path of Mastery.