Kosmic Divine Infinite Unconditional Compassionate Love in Continuous Infinite Expansion of Sovereign Heart  
for Source Intent Realisation for All Existence.

The One Mind Sanctum, initiated by Bear Saorin and Sophia Daniela, is a sacred gathering place for wisdom—where mystics, spiritual teachings, and healing converge. Sages and Medicine People come together here to share their knowing and energy in the spirit of selfless service, fostering the betterment and evolution of humankind.

Our deepest intention is to free beings from suffering and to promote a global innerstanding of Compassion, Kosmic Love and Oneness, so that humanity may collectively step into its destined role of our planet’s divine guardians and keepers to promote and protect the wellbeing of all her sentient life and future generations to come.

It is a space and platform where those seeking guidance can access exclusive online wisdom, participate in Satsangs, and engage in teachings.

For those deeply devoted, immersive retreats will be available starting in 2025 at The One Mind Sanctum, offering a 'place of protection' nestled in a sacred, remote valley near the Bucegi Mountain in Romania.

There is also the option to book one-on-one guidance programs, available from now on.

*) The word "Sanctum" comes from Latin, meaning ‘sacred place' and 'place of protection'.

Charity is a vital component when sharing 'The One Mind '.

As such, all public sharing offered online, and Satsangs are provided free of charge – and free from a paradigm of exchange - donations however are welcome.

As a charitable organisation, The One Mind Sanctum is wholly dependent on the goodwill of its community.

Benefactors offering financial, active or physical resources are therefore greatly appreciated.

Contribute  🙏🏼

There are several ways to connect to The One Mind Sanctum:

Either using the short contact form on the bottom of the page to drop us a message, or anyone wishing to participate and receive services and one-to-one guidance can sign up by filling an application that is used to screen everyone engaging with the Sanctum. 

You can also subscribe to our newsletter on the bottom of the page.

The One Mind Sanctum will be offering regular updates and content to support its core intention of global awakening.

Visitors to the website can sign up to receive notifications when new content has been published.


'First be love, then everything else you do will be perfect.'

The One Mind promotes the teachings of the Direct Path. We are dedicated to expansion into the field of oneness and the realisation of the Self, reflected as a movement from an egocentric, ethnocentric, and world-centric way of existence into the state of an unconditioned being in kosmic conscious presence.

‘Your own realisation of Self is the greatest service you can render the world.’


In 2025, The One Mind Forum will open its Sanctum in Romania, nestled near the enigmatic Bucegi Mountain. Located in a hidden, privately-owned valley and secluded from the outside world, this sanctuary is entirely devoted to its purpose of bringing together people from around the world to support the journey of awakening, fostering humanity’s evolution toward the realization of Self and freedom from suffering.

Shielded by nature’s embrace, it provides an untouched haven where every element of the landscape harmonizes to create a space of serene focus and unwavering dedication.

'Your sacred space is where you can find yourself again and again.'

Health and Counselling

The One Mind brings together not only mystics, also holistic practitioners dedicated to fostering a deep innerstanding of the path to self-healing.

When the mind is quiet, perceptual thinking ceases, and fear dissolves, allowing the human body to activate its natural ability to heal from any dis-ease or illness.

Core practices include fasting, solitude, sweating, breathwork, Kriya Yoga, Qi movement, and frequency-based applications.

'You hold the power to allow yourself to heal.'


Experience the transformative power of personalized, one-on-one spiritual guidance. With compassionate support, this journey will help you dissolve limiting patterns, and deepen your innerstanding of the profound truth that “I, is the source of everything.”

The One Mind Sanctum also offers transformative, long-term online courses. Embark on a profound journey towards the Realization of Self, and the embodiment of Kosmic Consciousness — empowering you to break free from the chains of suffering.

Furthermore, you're warmly invited to experience our transformative retreats and deeply immersive programs at The One Mind Sanctum, set in the mystical Bucegi Sacred Valley of Romania.

'The guide is but a means to awaken the seekers inner light; when the light is kindled, the guide disappears into it.'

'To give and not expect return – that is what lies at the heart of love.'
The One Mind Charity embodies the knowing that uniting the divine gifts of dharma workers, mystics, and health practitioners can unlock human's natural abilities to realise The Self, and promote a faster awakening.
We offer the original, direct approach to spiritual teachings that cultivates the intention to offer unconditionally and which steps outside the existing paradigm of exchange...
'... for exchange is a transaction between two separately identifying beings.'

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